Please click on the link below to go to our new website
Village Co-ordinator: Jackie Grey
T: 01264 356 253
Ring 101 for non urgent police contact
Anonymous Crime Stoppers: 0800 555 111
​REMEMBER – in an emergency always dial 999
Force Neighbourhood Watch Officer
Partnerships & Neighbourhoods
Public Services Directorate
Hampshire Constabulary
Telephone : 101 Minicom TextRelay 18001 101

Neighbourhood Watch began life in the UK over 30 years ago in response to rising crime and It's just as relevant today with the ever changing face of crime and the pressure on police resources.
The main aim is to help prevent crime, reduce the fear of crime and improve community safety.
The Police alone can't deal with all the problems arising from crime and anti-social behaviour. They need the help of the whole community. Neighbourhood Watch provides a way for local people to play an important part in making their communities safer.
​Neighbourhood Watch within the County is growing year by year. We currently have over 4,500 NW schemes covering some 150,000 households.
These co-ordinators cover between them 142,886 homes throughout Hampshire and the Isle of Wight with Neighbourhood Watch which roughly equates to one in 5 homes.
Whilst there is still room for Neighbourhood Watch to grow, the message is getting out that communities can help deter crime and take ownership of their communities themselves and because of this, Neighbourhood Watch membership has increased by 98% across the County in the last 2 years. More and more homeowners are joining Neighbourhood Watch, working with their local Safer Neighbourhood Police to ensure their immediate and wider neighbourhoods are kept safe, encouraging neighbourliness, preventing opportunistic crime and working together to keep anti social behaviour down.
The volunteer co-ordinators' hard work and support for Neighbourhood Watch is the backbone of a successful 'Watch' and they do a sterling job promoting the benefits of this community run initiative.
Information on your Neighbourhood Watch Scheme can be found by clicking the link HERE.
neighbourhood watch
If you are new to the village you can contact your co-ordinator for information, or register direct with the scheme online at
and/or These websites will give you more information about how to keep safe and local crime statistics.
You can report any suspicious activity in the village yourself using 101 or 0800 555 111. Please don’t leave it for your co-ordinator.
Action Fraud has received hundreds of reports of a scam where victims receive an automated phone call claiming they’ve been charged for an Amazon Prime subscription. The phone call informs people their personal details have been fraudulently used to subscribe to Amazon Prime, however they can cancel the transaction by pressing 1.
When victims do this, they are automatically connected to criminals posing as Amazon custom service representatives who remotely access their computer and steal their personal and financial details.
What you can do to keep yourself safe:
Personal information:
Always question uninvited approaches in case it’s a scam. Instead, contact the company directly using a known email or phone number.
Stay in control:
Have the confidence to refuse unusual requests for personal or financial information. It’s easy to feel embarrassed when faced with unexpected or complex conversations. But it’s okay to stop the discussion if you do not feel in control of it.
Remote access:
Never install any software or visit a website as a result of a cold call. Unsolicited requests for remote access to your computer should always raise a red flag.​
There has been a report of a shed break in the local area.
We would like to remind you to make sure that your property is fully secure, that belongings are locked away and are not visible.
Please also check the access to your gardens are secure and your sheds and other outbuildings have adequate security.
If you have witnessed anything that you believe to be suspicious in your area, please contact us on 101 and if you believe a burglary is in progress, call us on 999.
Stay Safe.
Your Neighbourhood Policing Team
crime prevention
The principle of the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme relies on the concept of being a good neighbour. Being a part of the scheme means you are prepared to look out for your neighbours and allow them the opportunity to reciprocate while you are away.
There are co-ordinators for several sections of the village, see separate notice, whose main aim is to encourage people to be more security conscious and take care of their property. The co-ordinators do not patrol the village or look after everyone's properties while they are away.
It is a good idea though to let your co-ordinator know if you are away so that they can take action if anything seems amiss.
The important thing is to tell your immediate neighbours if you are going away, even for one night, so they will know there could be a problem if they see a strange car in the driveway or hear people around.
You could offer to do the lawn if you know they will be away for more than a couple of weeks ... and hope the favour is reciprocated.
Similarly, you can watch out for mail or newspapers sticking out of letterboxes, take in any left parcels, and put the bins out and back in again.
Most burglaries are opportunist so our best defence is not giving thieves the opportunities.
Without putting yourself at risk, try to remember or make a note of as many facts as you can:
What does the person look like? Male/female, height, weight, age, skin colour, hair and other distinguishing features like beards and glasses. What sort of clothing and colours? A hat or gloves when it's warm?
What are they doing? This is easy if a crime is actually being committed but sometimes it can just be an unfamiliar person in an odd place at an odd time. Are they carrying anything?
Where are they going? Don't try to follow but, if you can do so safely, watch them out of sight do they drive off in a car?
If a vehicle is involved do try to identify what make of car or van you saw and what model if you can. The colour and registration number will also be helpful.
Here is a quick reminder of some of the things you can do to improve the security around your home.
Fit mortice locks to all front and back doors, and locks to all downstairs windows, or windows that are in easy reach
Keep your house and car keys safe and away from doors and windows
Ensure your burglar alarm is installed properly and works
When you are away from home use timer switches to turn on some lights when it goes dark
Cancel any milk or newspaper deliveries when you are away and let your immediate neighbours know when you will be back
Keep your garage and garden shed locked with proper security locks, and keep any tools secure and out of sight
Trim back any plants or hedges that a burglar could hide behind
Make sure your household insurance is up-to-date
Most burglaries are carried out by opportunist thieves. In two out of ten burglaries they don't even have to use force they get in through an open door or window.
Look at your home through a burglar's eyes:
Are there places where someone could break in without being seen?
Have you fitted strong locks on your doors and windows?
Would a burglar have to make a lot of noise by breaking glass?
Reduce the risk of your home being burgled by making sure you've taken a few simple and inexpensive precautions.
A third of burglars get in through a back window. Window locks which can be seen easily put some thieves off as they know they will make a noise which might attract attention.
Remember to remove keys from locked windows and keep them out of sight.
Never leave keys in doors or under the mat thieves know all the usual hiding places.
Never leave keys, handbags or wallets in the hall or where they can be seen from a window.
Despite numerous warnings and police campaigns people still leave valuables in the car while they go for a walk. Our local beauty spots have become prime targets for thieves.
Don't leave anything on display in your car. Even and old coat on the back seat is a temptation for someone to 'smash and grab' they steal first and think about the value later.
Take all your belongings with you when you leave the car. If you can't, lock them in the boot, preferably before you start your journey and not while you are at the beauty spot as you may be being watched.
Never leave any of the following items on display in your car as they are all particularly attractive to car thieves:
Mobile phones
Sat Navs / GPS'
Laptop computers
Credit and debit cards
Cheque books
Vehicle registration documents
Private mail, especially with your address on it
Mark your belongings with your post code. This may put off burglars as it will make your possessions harder to sell it will also help the police to reunite you with them if they are found.
Mark items with permanent ink, showing your post code and the number of your house or flat, or the first two letters of your house name. Only use an ultraviolet pen when other methods would reduce the value of the object, because the mark can fade.
Take pictures of all valuable items like jewellery and silverware.
Write down the serial numbers of your TV, video, stereo, home computer, camera and other expensive electrical equipment. This will help the police to identify your property if it is stolen.
If you have many valuable items consider installing a safe to keep them in.
A marking kit, purchased by the Parish Council, is available for loan from The Clatfords Village Store for a small fee.
Following a drugs caution in the South Warnborough area, Hampshire Police are reminding members of the public, particularly Neighbourhood Watch members, that drug offences can occur in any house, in any street and the importance of reporting any suspicious activity to Police on 101. This recent incident was aided by members of the public being the eyes and ears of the neighbourhood and voicing their concerns to officers; demonstrating how important it is to report to Police anything suspicious in your area.
The constabulary works hard to rid our communities of drugs, and rental properties are increasingly being used as a convenient way for criminal gangs to hide their activity from public gaze. The cost of cleaning up these properties huge and the impact on landlords is devastating. Help us identify these properties in your area:
Landlords and property managers have a duty to report any suspicious drug activity to police, or face the prospect of prosecution themselves.
Hampshire Constabulary is sending out clear advice and guidance to property managers and landlords who rent out private accommodation across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
Under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, a landlord/property manager can receive a maximum of 14 years in prison and/or a fine, if they turn a blind eye and allow the production of controlled drugs to take place in rented accommodation. Under this legislation, there is also the potential for premises to be seized or forfeited.
The constabulary works hard to rid our communities of drugs, and rental properties are increasingly being used as a convenient way for criminal gangs to hide their activity from public gaze.
The cost of cleaning up these properties is huge, and could lead to large-scale loss of earnings over a prolonged period. A house may even need to be demolished if it is deemed unfit for human habitation following the manufacture of highly toxic drugs such as the Class A narcotic, Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth).