welcome to our village
Goodworth Clatford is a picturesque village located in the beautiful countryside, just 2 miles south of Andover, Hampshire, England.
It is a vibrant village with a diverse community and is home to historic buildings, a chalk stream, a community run village shop and post office, primary school, two pubs, tennis courts and much more.
It holds a population of less than 1,000 but still hosts several clubs and societies, including bell ringing, an efficient neighbourhood watch scheme, a gardening society, and various events at the central village club.
The Clatfords' Magazine
For further information on what's on in and around the Clatfords, please subscribe to The Clatfords' Magazine, which is printed monthly to give full details of :
100 Club News and Winners
Baptisms and Weddings
Bellringing News
Church Services
Church Newsletter
Clatford Valley Gardening Club
Club Coffee News
Diary Events
Flower / Garden Shows
Holy Dusters
Musical / Opera Events
People to contact
Projects and Workshops
Quizes and Games
Regular Monthly Activities
Special Visitor News
Village Club activities
Visits, Trips and Outings
and, much more
This is a community website administered by the Goodworth Clatford Parish Council and is maintained and updated by volunteers.
If you wish to add content, inform us of upcoming events or offer suggestions for the site, we'd be pleased to hear from you.
Please email Eveline Attwood (clerk) or Cherry Milne directly, or get in touch via our website CONTACT FORM.
Please click HERE for the Goodworth Clatford Parish Council PRIVACY POLICY.